Professor V.I. Talanin official website
Vitalyi Igorevich Talanin

Born on November 2, 1977 in Zaporozhye city. Russian nobleman. In 2000 he graduated from the Zaporozhye State Engineering Academy (ZSEA) and obtained the following qualifications: 1) engineer of electronic equipment, 2) marketing manager of electronic equipment. In 2002 he graduated from the graduate school there and receiving a degree of PhD. In 2006 he graduated from the Humanitarian University «Zaporozhye Institute of State & Municipal Government» (HU «ZISMG») and received the qualification of engineer-programmer.
Science degree. 1) Doctor of Science, honoris causa), September 2013; 2) PhD., (physics of semiconductors and dielectrics), November 2002.
Academic title. 1) Professor of Russian Academy of Natural Sciences (Full Professor), April 2012; 2) Associate Professor in Dept. of Programming & Information Technologies, December 2005; 3) Honored Worker of science & education, September 2019.
Career history. For the 2020th year, the total job is 25 years, of which scientific and pedagogical is a 20 years. In 2002-2003 is a Assistant at the ZSEA Dept. of Physical & Biomedical Electronics. In 2003-2006 is a Associate Professor at the HU «ZISMG» (since 2007 there are Classic Private University (CPU)) Dept. of Programming & Information Technologies. In 2006-2012 is a Full Professor of the same dept., simultaneously in 2010-2012 was Deputy Head of this Dept. Since June 2012 to September 2019 was a Full Professor and Deputy Head of the Dept. of Computer Science & Software Engineering at the Zaporozhye Institute of Economics & Information Technology. In 2019-2020 was a Full Professor and Scientific Consultant of Khortytsia National Academy (Zaporozhye).
The biography is published in “Who’s Who in Science and Engineering 2006-2007, 9th Edition” (USA). In 2002 and 2003 got a scholarship from the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine. In 2007 and 2008 twice received the Grant of Ukraine President to support the research of young scientists. In 2018 at the competition of scientific and educational publications «Scientific vertical 2018» (St. Petersburg, Russia) his book (V.I. Talanin. Russian and Russian-Hungarian nobility of 10th-15th centuries: historical and genealogical research (In Russian). Zaporozhye: ZNU, 2016. 226 p.) was awarded a third prize in the nomination «The Best Scientific Monograph 2016-2017» section of «Public (historical) science.» Since 2018 is a member of the International Union of Crystallography (Chester, United Kingdom). In December 2019, by European Scientific and Industrial Consortium, on the proposal of Russian Academy of Natural Sciences for the cycle of historical and genealogical publications (2015-2019), Dr. V.I.Talanin was awarded the medal named «Vasily Klyuchevsky». In February 2020, by decision of Russian Academy of Natural Sciences, Dr. V.I.Talanin was awarded the medal named V.I.Vernadsky for success in the development of science. In June 2020, by decision of Russian Academy of Natural Sciences, Dr. V.I.Talanin was awarded the medal named «For successes in the education of youth» (established in 1834, restored in 2017). In November 2021, by European Scientific and Industrial Consortium, on the proposal of Russian Academy of Natural Sciences, was awarded the Order of «Catherine the Great» for serving science and education.
Since January 2011 is a member of the editorial board of the Journal of Crystallization Process & Technology (Calif., USA). Since December 2011 is a member of the editorial board of the scientific journal Science & Technology (Calif., USA). Since January 2016 is a member of the editorial board of the Journal of Information Systems & Engineering & Management (London, United Kingdom). Since November 2019 is a member of the editorial board of the Advanced Energy Conversion Materials (Singapore).
Since 2015 is a reviewer in the Journal of Crystal Growth (Elsevier, Amsterdam, Netherlands). Since 2019 is a reviewer in the scientific journal Novogardia (Bryansk & St. Petersburg, Russia). In 2013 he was the Editor of the special issue “Applied and theoretical studies based on Information Technologies” of the journal Science & Technology. In 2017 he was the Editor of the book “New research on silicon — structure, properties, technology” (InTECH Publ., Rijeka, Croatia).
In 2013-2021 is a regular member of Program Committee fron 1st to the 9th Worlds Conferenceson Information Systems & Technologies which were held in Portugal, Brazil and Italy.
In 2015-2017 he was a member of Technical Program Committee of the 1st, 2nd and 4th International Conferences on Semiconductor Physics and Devices which took place in China. In 2018-2021 he was a member of Program Committee of 13th, 14th, 15th and 16th International Conferences on Computing in the Global Information Technology which took place in Italy. In 2018-2019 he was a member of the Organizing Committee of 3rd and 4th International Conferences on Advanced Spectroscopy, Crystallography and Applications in Modern Chemistry which took place in the UK and Italy. In 2019 he was a member of the Program Committee of the World Congress on Chemistry which was held in Spain. In 2020 he was a member of the Organizing Committee of International Conference & Exhibition on Crystallography and Novel Materials which was held in Canada.
The total numbers of scientific and educational publications are 236 (October 2022) of which 18 monographs (12 personal + 6 collective). Hirsch-index (Scopus, October 2022), h = 7.