The formation of vacancy microvoids and A_microdefects has been calculated according to the model of point defect dynamics in the absence of recombination of intrinsic point defects at high temperatures. It has been assumed that this solution is possible in the case where the precipitation of impurities begins in the vicinity of the crystallization front. It has been demonstrated that the formation of vacancy microvoids has a homogeneous nature and that the interstitial dislocation loops are predominantly formed through the deformation mechanism.
Talanin V.I., Talanin I.E. Modelling of the defect structure in dislocation-free silicon single crystals // Crystallography Reports. – 2008. – Vol. 53, N 7. – P. 1124-1132.
A mathematical model of the formation of primary grown-in microdefects on the basis of dissociation diffusion is presented. Cases of “vacancy–oxygen” (V + O) and “carbon–interstitial” (C + I) interaction near the crystallization front are considered for dislocation-free Si single crystals grown by the floating-zone and Czochralski methods. The approximate analytical expressions obtained by setting 1D and 2D temperature fields in a crystal are in good agreement with the heterogeneous mechanism of formation of grown-in microdefects.
Talanin V.I., Talanin I.E., Voronin A.A. About the simulation of primary grown-in micro-defects in dislocation-free silicon single crystals formation // Canadian Journal of Physics. – 2007. – Vol. 85, № 12. – Р. 1459-1471.
A mathematical model of primary grown-in microdefects formation is proposed. The model is built on the basis of the dissociative process of diffusion. Here, we study the interaction patterns between oxygen-vacancy (O + V) and carbon-interstitial (C + I) near the crystallization front in dislocation-free silicon monocrystals grown by float-zone and Czochralski methods. As shown here, the approximate analysis formulas obtained tally with the heterogeneous mechanism of grown-in microdefects formation.
Talanin V.I., Talanin I.E. On the recombination of intrinsic point defects in dislocation-free silicon single crystals // Physics Solid State. – 2007. – Vol. 49, N 3. – P. 467-471.
The recombination of intrinsic point defects in dislocation-free silicon single crystals is investigated. It is established experimentally and confirmed by thermodynamic calculations that this process in the vicinity of the crystallization front is hindered by the recombination barrier. The recombination parameters (such as the recombination barrier height, the recombination time, and the recombination factor) for the model describing the dynamics of point defects at low and high temperatures are evaluated in terms of the heterogeneous mechanism of nucleation and transformation of grown-in microdefects. It is confirmed that the decomposition of a supersaturated solid solution of point defects can occur according to two mechanisms, namely, the vacancy and interstitial mechanisms. Vacancies and intrinsic interstitial silicon atoms find sinks in the form of oxygen and carbon background impurities. It is demonstrated that the formation of “intrinsic point defect – impurity” pairs is a dominant process in the vicinity of the melting temperature.
Talanin V.I., Talanin I.E. Mechanism of formation and physical classification of the grown-in microdefects in semiconductor silicon // Defect & Diffusion Forum. – 2004. – Vol. 230-232. – Р. 177-198.
This paper presents the scheme depicting the formation and transformation mechanism of the grown-in microdefects in FZ-Si and CZ-Si crystals as a function of a crystal growth rate. In is established and proved experimentally that concentrations of vacancies and self-interstitials at the crystallization front near the melting point are comparable, recombination of intrinsic point defects during the silicon cooling below the crystallization temperature follows two independent mechanisms: vacancy-type and interstitial-type. The driving force of the defect formation is initial oxygen-vacancy agglomerates and carbon-interstitial agglomerates formed on impurities centers. At a certain thermal growth conditions the aggregation of point defects under vacancy-interstitial-type or interstitial type growth mode in the course of crystal cooling may cause the secondary defects occurrence around primary oxygen-vacancy and carbon-interstitial aggregates, namely vacancy microvoids and interstitial-type dislocation loops, accordingly. On the basis of experimental results the physical classification of the grown-in microdefects are proposed. The classification suggested follows from the heterogeneous formation and transformation mechanism of the grown-in microdefects.
Talanin V.I., Talanin I.E. Physical nature of grown-in microdefects in Czochralski-grown silicon and their transformation during various technological effects // Physica Status Solidi (a). – 2003. – Vol. 200, № 2. – Р. 297-306.
Czochralski-grown dislocation-free silicon crystals of 50 and 80 mm in diameter have been extensively studied by techniques of transmission electron microscopy and preferential etching. Crystals were grown at various growth rates, followed by subsequent processing (thermal treatment, ion implantation). The physical nature (positive/negative sign of silicon lattice imperfection) of grown-in microdefects inside and within the OSF ring was determined. It was found that background oxygen and carbon impurities mostly affect the formation mechanism of grown-in microdefects. It was shown that crystals might grow in interstitial and interstitial–vacancy regimes. The transformation scheme of the grown-in microdefects in the course of subsequent processing is clarified.
Talanin V.I., Talanin I.E., Levinson D.I. Physical model of paths of microdefects nucleation in dislocation-free single crystals float-zone silicon // Crystal Research & Technology. – 2002. – Vol. 37, № 9. – Р. 983-1010.
With the help of selective etching, transmission electron microscopy complex researches of non-doped dislocation-free single crystals of float-zone silicon by a diameter of 30 mm were conducted. The crystals were obtained with various growth rates and were subjected to various kinds of technological effects. Is established that the process of microdefects formation in silicon proceeds simultaneously on two independent mechanisms: vacancy and interstitial. The physical model of formation of microdefects in dislocation-free monocrystals of FZ silicon is offered.
Talanin V.I., Talanin I.E., Levinson D.I. Physics of the formation of microdefects in dislocation-free monocrystals of float-zone silicon // Semiconductor Science & Technology. – 2002. – Vol. 17, № 2. – Р. 104-113.
We study non-doped dislocation-free monocrystals of float-zone silicon using transmission electronic microscopy, optical microscopy and x-ray topography. The crystals were obtained with various growth rates (1–9 mm min−1) and were subjected to various kinds of thermal processing. We experimentally determine the temperatures at which microdefects of various types form, and we establish the mechanism of transformation of interstitial microdefects. On the basis of data in the literature and new results obtained by authors, we establish that the formation of microdefects in silicon occurs on two independent mechanisms: vacancy and interstitial. As a result of both these mechanisms, D-microdefects will be formed as interstitials agglomerate. We suggest that the critical parameter V/G = Ccrit describes the conditions of emerging (vanishing) vacancy microdefects. On the basis of these results, we suggest a physical model of the formation of microdefects in dislocation-free monocrystals of float-zone silicon, and we discuss other known models.