Humanitarian sciences

The main results in the humanities:

1) the genealogy of the boyars of the Nerevsky district of Veliky Novgorod from the 10th to the 15th centuries was reconstructed;

2) it is shown that the founder of this family is the first historical Novgorod posadnik, maternal uncle of Grand Prince Vladimir I Svyatoslavich, a prototype of the epic hero «Dobrynia Nikitich», Dobrynia Niskinich, son of the last Drevlian prince;

3) members of this genus remained in Veliky Novgorod and Dvina land in XV-XVI centuries;

4) found that after XVI century the descendants of this aristocratic family were several provincial Russian clans: Talanins, Ponomarevs, Proskuryakovs (Proskurnikovs), Tretyakovs, Popovs of Nizhny Novgorod province, as well as the Lentievs, Young Boyars, Kologrivovs, Amosovs of Archangelsk province;

5) the genealogy of Talanins was reconstructed in detail from 16th to 21st centuries, which taking into account the ancestors of 9th-16th centuries has 34 generations of continuous genealogical continuity;

6) the genealogy of Galician Niskinich’s was reconstructed in 11th-13th centuries and it was shown that Galician “kormilchich’s” of the first half of 13th c. belonged to this genus;

7) the genealogy of the Hungarian Niskinich branch in 13th-15th centuries was reconstructed in detail;

8) it was determined that in the VI-X centuries the double-headed eagle was the generic sign of the ruling dynasty of Niskinich’s, which was later adopted by Rurikids as “signs of Rurikids”;

9) it is shown that Kuzma Minin, the Savior of Fatherland, belonged to the family of Novgorod settlers in Nizhny Novgorod, being a relative of all the names mentioned above.

10) reconstructed the pre-Varyazh dynasty of Seslavichi, who is the ancestors of Talanin’s, which ruled the Russian state from ca. 450/470 to 946.


View all works below:

Talanin V.I. History. Vol. 4: Russian and world history from the beginning of the 19th century to 1914. — Irkutsk: OOO «Print Line». — 1144 p. (In Russian)

The fourth volume is devoted to the consideration of Russian history from the beginning of the 19th century until 1914. The world history of this period is also briefly considered. Particular attention is paid to changes in ideological systems, as well as the reasons that led to the start of the World war. For a …

Talanin V.I. History. Vol. 2: The origin of the Slavs and Rus’. Russian history until the middle of the 11th century. – Irkutsk: OOO «Reprocenter A1», 2021. – 863 p. (In Russian)

The second volume is devoted to the consideration of the origin of the Slavs, their development in the general cultural and political field up to the 1st half 1st millennium A.D. The issue of the origin of the Russian state and the Russian nation is also considered, and their history is investigated until the middle …

Talanin V.I. History. Vol. 1: The world from ancient times to the 1st third of the 1st century A.D. – Irkutsk: OOO «Reprocenter A1», 2021. – 877 p. (In Russian)

The first volume covers events from Paleolithic times to the end of the 1st third of the 1st century A.D. The processes of the emergence and chronology of the formation of the main ideological doctrines that guided the development of mankind (monarchism, republicanism and democracy) are considered against a broad historical background. It is shown …

Talanin V.I. Genealogy of Novgorod Nerevsky boyars: new discoveries // Novogardia. — 2020. — № 2. — P. 161-193.

The genealogy of old Novgorod boyars Sekirins was clarified, and it was shown that the new landowners Sekirins came from the boyars Sekirins. The genealogy of the descendants of the last Korelsky feedman Lukyan Leontyevich was clarified. For the fi rst time, the general genealogy of the Krechatnikovs, Sverchins, Veryazhskys, Sochvitsyns, Chashnikovs was created. It …

Talanin V.I. «Izhora boyars»: to the question of interpretation // Novogardia. 2020. № 1. P. 211-236.

The article offered to readers is intended for the first time in historiography to study the question of the origin and interpretation of the so-called “Izhora boyars”. The main conclusion is made that the term “Izhora boyars” should not be understood as the generic Izhora nobility but as the old-Novgorod boyars and other nobles who …

Talanin V.I. Objectives and methods of transhumanistic digitalization policy // Revolution & Evolution: development models in science, culture, society. — Nizhny Novgorod, 2019. — P. 169-171. (In Russian)

The paper considers the modern process of society digitalization. It is shown that this process is guided by the ideology of transhumanism. On a number of examples, in particular, the currently undergoing testing of the Chinese “national rating system”, it is shown that the main goal of digitalization is to force a person under totalitarian …

Talanin V.I. Genealogy of Kuzma Minin: ancestors and descendants // Novogardia. — 2019. — № 3. — P. 97-181. (In Russian)

This article is intended for readers to restore the genealogy of Kuzma Minin. This article talks about his origin from Velikiy Novgorod, being a descendant of the Old Town Novgorod nobility. The second part of the article restores the genealogy of two Kuzma Minin’s siblings who settled after a troubled time in Moscow. The genealogy …

Talanin V.I. Institute of Korel feeding in the Novgorod era // Novogardia. — 2019. — № 2. — P. 81-105. (In Russian)

The article proposed to the reader’s attention is aimed at studying the time of emergence and termination of the Institute of Korel feeding in the Novgorod era, as well as the restoration of the list of Korel feedmen from 1270 to 1478. A detailed analysis of published sources, including archaeological and actual data, based on …

Talanin V.I.Lost century: Russia between being and oblivion // Polish Journal of Science. – 2019. — № 15, Vol. 2. – S. 7-23.

It is briefly shown that after the collapse of historical Russia in 1917, it did not recover during the next century. It is shown that the events of the 1990s were not the collapse of socialism but the revenge of trotskyism. On this basis, it is specified that socialism still remains the state system of …

Talanin V.I. To the question about the contribution of Russian nobility in the development of medieval literature // Novye Istoricheskie Perspektivy. – 2019. – N. 1 (14). – P. 11-27.

The article discusses some aspects of the cultural activities of the Novgorod Nereva boyars of the 10th-13th centuries. It is shown that they patronized nationwide chronicle from the 990s to the 1060s. It is shown that this boyar clan patronized the conduct of chronicles at the court of the Novgorod archbishop in the XII-XIII centuries. …

Talanin V.I. Korelian nobility in XIII-XV centuries and its descendants in Central Russia // Novogardia. – 2019. — № 1. – P. 154-197.

The article deals with the problem of the structure and personal composition of the medieval Korean nobility. The author considers the territorial localization of the Korelian five clans on the Swedish and Russian territories in XIII-XV centuries. The author shows that once mentioned in the sources «the sixth clan» Nanoloch is the genealogical branch of …

Talanin V.I. Talanins family in White Movement // Grazhdanskaya voina i Nizhegorodskii krai. Issledovania, vospominaniya, diskussii. – Nizhny Novgorod: Vertikal XXI vek, 2018. – P. 92-100.

Provides information about the service in the White Army Vasily Ivanovich Talanin (1900-1969), the great-grandfather of the article author, as well as his closest relatives. Note: There are some inaccuracies in the text and gaps between text blocks. This was due to the fact that the editor of the collection of articles (the Nizhny Novgorod …

Talanin V.I. About the date of the creation of destruction battalions in 1941 // Humanitarnye problem voennogo dela: voenno-nauchny zhurnal. – 2016. – N 4(9). – P. 62-67. (In Russian)

The article discusses the controversial question about date of creation of desctruction battalions in 1941. According to the author, the state of knowledge of this question cannot be considered satisfactory. From the beginning of the sixties of the last century, officially the creation of desctruction battalions throughout the USSR is considered to be June 24, …

Talanin V.I. To the origins of the Russian military special forces // Humanitarnye problem voennogo dela: voenno-nauchny zhurnal. – 2016. – N 3(8). – P. 124-129. (In Russian)

The author considers the problem of the emergence of Russian military special forces. It is emphasized that the overwhelming majority of specialists trying to investigate the history of military special units do not advance deeper than the Petrine era. The point of view of some historians who claim that military special forces appeared in Russia …

Talanin V.I. The essence of transhumanism ideology: modern information technology. – Zaporozhye: ZNU, 2016. – 126 p. (In Russian)

The process of informatization of human society is briefly considered, as well as the main features and stages of the creation on the basis of modern informatics of post-human society based on the ideology of transhumanism. It has been shown that transhumanism is a neo-religion and in the political aspect is a classic communism. The …

Talanin V.I. Russian and Russian-Hungarian nobility of X-XV centuries: historical and genealogical research. – Zaporozhye: ZNU, 2016. – 227 p. (In Russian)

The book is a continuation of the research by author of the genealogy of Russian princely/boyar genus of Niskinich who are descendants of the last Grand Prince of «Drevlyan land» Niszkinya/Mal and his son Dobrynia (uncle of Grand Prince Vladimir I Svyatoslavich). The genealogy of South Russian (Galician) branch of the genus in XI-XIII centuries …

Talanin V.I. Old Russian pre-varangian aristocracy of X-XVI centuries and their descendants: genealogical research. – Zaporozhye: ZNU, 2015. – 168 p. (In Russian)

The book is dedicated to restoration of genealogy of the boyars genus from the «Nerevo end» of Veliky Novgorod: Niskinichy (X-XII centuries), Malyshevichy (XII-XIII centuries), Mishinichy-Ontsiforovichy (XIII-XVI centuries). It is shown that his ancestors are the last hereditary Grand Prince of «Drevlyan land» (the “state of Dir” of Arab sources) Niszkinya and his son Dobrynya …