Talanin V.I. Talanins family in White Movement // Grazhdanskaya voina i Nizhegorodskii krai. Issledovania, vospominaniya, diskussii. – Nizhny Novgorod: Vertikal XXI vek, 2018. – P. 92-100.

Provides information about the service in the White Army Vasily Ivanovich Talanin (1900-1969), the great-grandfather of the article author, as well as his closest relatives.

Note: There are some inaccuracies in the text and gaps between text blocks. This was due to the fact that the editor of the collection of articles (the Nizhny Novgorod journalist S.A. Smirnov) allowed himself to edit the article after its acceptance without reading and agreeing from the author the results of this editing.