Talanin V.I. History. Vol. 4: Russian and world history from the beginning of the 19th century to 1914. — Irkutsk: OOO «Print Line». — 1144 p. (In Russian)

The fourth volume is devoted to the consideration of Russian history from the beginning of the 19th century until 1914. The world history of this period is also briefly considered. Particular attention is paid to changes in ideological systems, as well as the reasons that led to the start of the World war. For a wide range of readers.

Talanin V.I. History. Vol. 2: The origin of the Slavs and Rus’. Russian history until the middle of the 11th century. – Irkutsk: OOO «Reprocenter A1», 2021. – 863 p. (In Russian)

The second volume is devoted to the consideration of the origin of the Slavs, their development in the general cultural and political field up to the 1st half 1st millennium A.D. The issue of the origin of the Russian state and the Russian nation is also considered, and their history is investigated until the middle of the 11th century. For a wide range of readers.

Talanin V.I. History. Vol. 1: The world from ancient times to the 1st third of the 1st century A.D. – Irkutsk: OOO «Reprocenter A1», 2021. – 877 p. (In Russian)

The first volume covers events from Paleolithic times to the end of the 1st third of the 1st century A.D. The processes of the emergence and chronology of the formation of the main ideological doctrines that guided the development of mankind (monarchism, republicanism and democracy) are considered against a broad historical background. It is shown that the birth of these doctrines is due to the presence of religiosity, or its denial. A new concept of the staged development of mankind is given. For a wide range of readers.

Talanin V.I. Genealogy of Novgorod Nerevsky boyars: new discoveries // Novogardia. — 2020. — № 2. — P. 161-193.

The genealogy of old Novgorod boyars Sekirins was clarified, and it was shown that the new landowners Sekirins came from the boyars Sekirins. The genealogy of the descendants of the last Korelsky feedman Lukyan Leontyevich was clarified. For the fi rst time, the general genealogy of the Krechatnikovs, Sverchins, Veryazhskys, Sochvitsyns, Chashnikovs was created. It is shown that all these surnames come from the old Novgorod’s nerevsky boyar Andreyan Mikhailovich. It is shown that the landowners of the Derevskaya Pyatina Krechatnikovs come from the same genus.

Talanin V.I. «Izhora boyars»: to the question of interpretation // Novogardia. 2020. № 1. P. 211-236.

The article offered to readers is intended for the first time in historiography to study the question of the origin and interpretation of the so-called “Izhora boyars”. The main conclusion is made that the term “Izhora boyars” should not be understood as the generic Izhora nobility but as the old-Novgorod boyars and other nobles who had vassal/client relations with the boyars.