Talanin V.I. Objectives and methods of transhumanistic digitalization policy // Revolution & Evolution: development models in science, culture, society. — Nizhny Novgorod, 2019. — P. 169-171. (In Russian)

The paper considers the modern process of society digitalization. It is shown that this process is guided by the ideology of transhumanism. On a number of examples, in particular, the currently undergoing testing of the Chinese “national rating system”, it is shown that the main goal of digitalization is to force a person under totalitarian control with a complete rejection of the privacy of human life. It is shown that such a policy, being of the same type in all world regions, deliberately leads to the construction of a global totalitarian statehood, the appearance of which was predicted in the first half of the twentieth century by the leading authors of the antiutopia genre. It is shown that the advertisement of the “improvement of the physical body” through its technological upgrade here is only an information cover for the process of collectivization of humanity, both within individual states and on a global scale. It is shown that the actual implementation of this policy leads to the self-destruction of not only individual nations and the elimination of national sovereignty, but also of humanity as a whole.

Talanin V.I. Genealogy of Kuzma Minin: ancestors and descendants // Novogardia. — 2019. — № 3. — P. 97-181. (In Russian)

This article is intended for readers to restore the genealogy of Kuzma Minin. This article talks about his origin from Velikiy Novgorod, being a descendant of the Old Town Novgorod nobility. The second part of the article restores the genealogy of two Kuzma Minin’s siblings who settled after a troubled time in Moscow. The genealogy of their descendants is restored over five tribes (until the 1710s). Kuzma Minin is a genus of the Tula nobles of the Minins.

Talanin V.I. Institute of Korel feeding in the Novgorod era // Novogardia. — 2019. — № 2. — P. 81-105. (In Russian)

The article proposed to the reader’s attention is aimed at studying the time of emergence and termination of the Institute of Korel feeding in the Novgorod era, as well as the restoration of the list of Korel feedmen from 1270 to 1478. A detailed analysis of published sources, including archaeological and actual data, based on the previous studies of the author, allows you to make significant additions to the historiography of the issue under study.

Talanin V.I.Lost century: Russia between being and oblivion // Polish Journal of Science. – 2019. — № 15, Vol. 2. – S. 7-23.

It is briefly shown that after the collapse of historical Russia in 1917, it did not recover during the next century. It is shown that the events of the 1990s were not the collapse of socialism but the revenge of trotskyism. On this basis, it is specified that socialism still remains the state system of modern Russia. It is postulated that the further preservation of this situation will lead to the collapse of Russia, as a sacred Entity.

Note: This article was originally accepted into the oldest monarchist newspaper of Russian Diaspora, «Nasha Strana» (Buenos Aires). Its first part was published in issue 3084. However, the editor of the newspaper, N.L.Kasanzew, without the consent of the author, allowed himself to reduce the size of the first part. After he posted the number 3085 on the Web with the second part of the article, even more disfigured by unauthorized edits, the author was forced to make to him grounded claims. As a result, Kasanzew removed the number 3085 and soon replaced it with the number 3085-3086. The second part of the article in the newspaper «Nasha Strana» was never published. The author here posted out the relevant issues of the newspaper, so that every reader can see what edits Kasanzew made without consent with the author, and draw conclusions about the views that this editor adheres to.

Show issue:  3084

Show issue:  3085

Show issue:  3085-3086

Talanin V.I. To the question about the contribution of Russian nobility in the development of medieval literature // Novye Istoricheskie Perspektivy. – 2019. – N. 1 (14). – P. 11-27.

The article discusses some aspects of the cultural activities of the Novgorod Nereva boyars of the 10th-13th centuries. It is shown that they patronized nationwide chronicle from the 990s to the 1060s. It is shown that this boyar clan patronized the conduct of chronicles at the court of the Novgorod archbishop in the XII-XIII centuries. The historicity of the epic character “Vasily Buslaev” is shown, and his genealogical belonging to the genus Nerevo boyars (XII century) is determined. It is shown that with a very high degree of probability the authors of «The Lay of Igor’s Campaign» are the Novgorod-Seversky tysyatsky and his son as members of the Novgorod Nerevo boyar family.

Talanin V.I. Korelian nobility in XIII-XV centuries and its descendants in Central Russia // Novogardia. – 2019. — № 1. – P. 154-197.

The article deals with the problem of the structure and personal composition of the medieval Korean nobility. The author considers the territorial localization of the Korelian five clans on the Swedish and Russian territories in XIII-XV centuries. The author shows that once mentioned in the sources «the sixth clan» Nanoloch is the genealogical branch of a Kurolchi clan. The author defines the territorial location of the clan Navoloch, and revealed the direct descendants of the highest nobility who had in XV–XVI centuries land ownership in Vazhinsky and Pirkinich regions of Obonezhskaya pyatina (district). It was revealed that some descendants of Navoloch nobility moved to Bogorodskoe village of Nizhniy Novgorod district together with its founders in 1579/1580. Author traces the genealogy of this immigrants and installed all local names, that derived from them. It is shown that the Korelian settlers brought in the Bogorodskoe leather craft.

Talanin V.I. Talanins family in White Movement // Grazhdanskaya voina i Nizhegorodskii krai. Issledovania, vospominaniya, diskussii. – Nizhny Novgorod: Vertikal XXI vek, 2018. – P. 92-100.

Provides information about the service in the White Army Vasily Ivanovich Talanin (1900-1969), the great-grandfather of the article author, as well as his closest relatives.

Note: There are some inaccuracies in the text and gaps between text blocks. This was due to the fact that the editor of the collection of articles (the Nizhny Novgorod journalist S.A. Smirnov) allowed himself to edit the article after its acceptance without reading and agreeing from the author the results of this editing.

Talanin V.I. Materials to the origin of the families of Naso and Nasuta (about the ancient Russian roots of some families of German and Polish aristocracy of the 14th–15th centuries) // Vesnik of Yanka Kupala State University of Grodno. Series 1. – 2017. – Vol. 9, N 3. – P. 31–45. (In Russian)

In the introduction it is defined the object of the study − the genealogy of the German noble family Naso and Polish noble family Nasuta. The aim of the study is to identify the genealogical origin of these aristocratic genera. In the main part the probable origin of these genera from the Hungarian nobility of Russian origin is shown for the first time. It is determined that the German genus (Latin Naso) with a high degree of probability came from Hungarian noblemen named Orro(u)s, whose Latin nicknames were Nasutus and Nasus and who moved in the first half of the 14th century to Prague. It is determined that the Lithuanian-Polish genus (Latin Nasuta) with a high degree of probability came from Hungarian noblemen named Orro(u)s/Rusas, whose Latin nicknames were Nasutus and Nusata and who retired to the service of Prince Mazowiecki in the early 1350s, and then transferred to the service of the Grand Duke Vitovt (until the 1370s). A linguistic evaluation of the name Nasuta is given. It is shown that its meaning coincided with the meaning of the corresponding Hungarian family nickname. The initial genealogy (14th–15th centuries) of these genera is constructed; and it is shown that direct descendants of these genera live in Belarus and Poland now, and distant relatives live in Russia (in the Nizhny Novgorod and Arkhangelsk regions). In the paper it is given an idea of the reasons of the mobility of the noblemen of medieval Europe. In the conclusion it is pointed that the obtained results should be considered as initial stage of further research with the aim of merging the restored initial genealogies of these genera and modern people of these surnames into a single whole.

Talanin V.I. The origins and genesis of the Russian double-headed eagle // Yaroslav Mydryi. Problemy izuchenia, sochranenia i interpretacii istoriko-kulturnogo nasledia. Sbornik materialov VIII konferencii. – Yaroslavl: Kancler, 2017. – C. 61-82. (In Russian)

The question of origin of the image of «double headed bird» in a heraldic aspect is briefly considered. It was determined that the image of a double-headed bird in Russia in the pre-varangian times was not borrowed, being a local symbol, going back to the «Neolithic early agricultural religion» (VI thousand BC). It is established that the image of double-headed bird symbolized the Divine origin of monarchical power. It is shown that this image was used in VI-X centuries of Russian princely dynasty Niskinich’s. The symbol was borrowed by the early Rurikids and was used as «signs of Rurikids» in the pre-Mongol times. It was concluded that double-headed eagle, as a state emblem, was adopted solely on Russian soil under Grand Prince John III in 1490s.