Talanin V.I. Objectives and methods of transhumanistic digitalization policy // Revolution & Evolution: development models in science, culture, society. — Nizhny Novgorod, 2019. — P. 169-171. (In Russian)

The paper considers the modern process of society digitalization. It is shown that this process is guided by the ideology of transhumanism. On a number of examples, in particular, the currently undergoing testing of the Chinese “national rating system”, it is shown that the main goal of digitalization is to force a person under totalitarian control with a complete rejection of the privacy of human life. It is shown that such a policy, being of the same type in all world regions, deliberately leads to the construction of a global totalitarian statehood, the appearance of which was predicted in the first half of the twentieth century by the leading authors of the antiutopia genre. It is shown that the advertisement of the “improvement of the physical body” through its technological upgrade here is only an information cover for the process of collectivization of humanity, both within individual states and on a global scale. It is shown that the actual implementation of this policy leads to the self-destruction of not only individual nations and the elimination of national sovereignty, but also of humanity as a whole.

Таланин В.И.Цели и методы трансгуманистической политики цифровизации // Революция и эволюция: модели развития в науке, культуре, обществе. — Нижний Новгород: Красная ласточка, 2019. — С. 169-171.

В работе рассматривается современный процесс цифровизации общества. Показывается, что он направляется идеологией трансгуманизма. На ряде примеров, в частности, на проходящей в настоящее время тестирование китайской «системе национального рейтинга», показывается, что главной целью цифровизации является насильственная постановка человека под тоталитарный контроль с полным отказом от приватности человеческой жизни. Показывается, что такая политика, являясь однотипной во всех мировых регионах, целенаправленно ведёт к построению общемировой тоталитарной государственности, появление которой предсказывалось в первой половине ХХ века ведущими авторами жанра антиутопий. Показывается, что реклама «улучшения физического тела» посредством его технологического апгрейда здесь является лишь информационным прикрытием процесса коллективизации человечества, как в рамках отдельных государств, так и в общемировом масштабе. Показывается, что фактически реализация этой политики ведёт к самоуничтожению не только отдельных наций и ликвидации национального суверенитета, но и человечества в целом.

Talanin V.I., Talanin I.E., Matsko O., Yakymchuk D.I. Application Vlasov’s model for solids to the analysis of defect formation // The 7th Annual Conference of ANALYTIX-2019: Abstract Book. — Berlin, 2019. — P. 67.

The authors confirmed the validity of Vlasov’s model for solids using an example of real material. It is shown for the first time that Vlasov’s model for plasma and Vlasov’s model for solids give identical results and are, in fact, an analogue of the concept of the “large-scale structure of the Universe”. It is shown that in this aspect Vlasov confirmed the validity of the concept of Faraday-Thomson’s force lines. It is shown that since Vlasov developed his ideas on the basis of the mathematical apparatus of N.P. Kasterin, then adequate mathematical theories should emphasize the identity of the processes occurring at the macro and micro levels, which indicates the absence of any duality in nature. 

Talanin V.I., Talanin I.E., Matsko O., Yakymchuk D.I. Application Vlasov’s model for solids to the analysis of defect formation // The 7th Annual Conference of ANALYTIX-2019: Abstract Book. — Berlin, 2019. — P. 67.

Авторами подтверждена справедливость модели Власова для твёрдого тела на примере реального материала. Впервые показано, что модель Власова для плазмы и модель Власова для твёрдого тела дают идентичные результаты и являются, по сути, аналогом концепции «крупномасштабной структуры Вселенной». Показано, что в этом аспекте Власов подтвердил справедливость концепции силовых линий Фарадея-Томсона. Показано, что поскольку Власов развил свои идеи на основе математического аппарата Н.П.Кастерина, то адекватные математические теории должны подчёркивать идентичность процессов, происходящих на макро- и микроуровнях, что указывает на отсутствие какой-либо двойственности в природе.

Talanin V.I. Genealogy of Kuzma Minin: ancestors and descendants // Novogardia. — 2019. — № 3. — P. 97-181. (In Russian)

This article is intended for readers to restore the genealogy of Kuzma Minin. This article talks about his origin from Velikiy Novgorod, being a descendant of the Old Town Novgorod nobility. The second part of the article restores the genealogy of two Kuzma Minin’s siblings who settled after a troubled time in Moscow. The genealogy of their descendants is restored over five tribes (until the 1710s). Kuzma Minin is a genus of the Tula nobles of the Minins.

Таланин В.И. Родословная Кузьмы Минина: предки и потомки // Novogardia. — 2019. — № 3. — С. 97-181.

Предлагаемая читательскому вниманию статья преследует цель восстановления родословной Кузьмы Минина. В первой части статьи на основе дополнительной проработки источников выявляется его происхождение из семьи крупного купца, переселенца из Великого Новгорода, потомка староновгородского боярства. Имя этого купца обнаруживается в поминальных синодиках рода Мининых, что является дополнительным подтверждением правоты авторских выводов. Во второй части статьи восстанавливается родословная двух родных братьев Кузьмы Минина, осевших после смутного времени в Москве. Выявляется принадлежность этих братьев к служилой группе подьячих, родословная их потомков восстанавливается на протяжении пяти колен (до 1710-х годов). Установлено происхождение от одного из братьев Кузьмы Минина рода тульских дворян Мининых.

Talanin V.I., Talanin I.E. High-temperature precipitation of impurities in the framework of Vlasov’s model for solids // Crystallography Reports. 2019. – Vol. 64, N. 4. – P. 2-6.

It is shown that Vlasov’s model for solids describes the processes of complex formation during the growth of real crystals taking into account the thermal growth conditions. Allows in conjunction with the classical theory of nucleation and growth of second-phase particles in solids to calculate the defect structure of crystals, which was formed in the process of their growth. It has been established that the high-temperature precipitation of the impurity is directly related to the subsequent transformation of the defective structure during the production of silicon devices. A qualitative model of the formation of electrical centers has been proposed which directly links their origin with the initial silicon defect structure. It is shown that the concepts and principles of Vlasov’s physics are fully applicable to solid state physics.

Talanin V.I., Talanin I.E. Complex formation in semiconductor silicon within the framework of the Vlasov model of a solid state // Physics Solid State. – 2016. – Vol. 58, N. 10. – P. 2050-2054.

The formation of silicon–carbon and silicon–oxygen complexes during cooling after the growth of dislocation-free silicon single crystals has been calculated using the Vlasov model of crystal formation. It has been confirmed that the complex formation begins in the vicinity of the crystallization front. It has been shown that the Vlasov model of a solid state can be used not only for the investigation of hypothetical ideal crystals, but also for the description of the formation of a defect structure of real crystals.

Talanin V.I., Talanin I.E. Diffusion model of the formation of growth microdefects: a new approach to defect formation in crystals (Review) // Physics Solid State. – 2016. – Vol. 58, N. 3. – P. 427-437.

Theoretical studies of defect formation in semiconductor silicon play an important role in the creation of breakthrough ideas for next-generation technologies. A brief comparative analysis of modern theoretical approaches to the description of interaction of point defects and formation of the initial defect structure of dislocation-free silicon single crystals has been carried out. Foundations of the diffusion model of the formation of structural imperfections during the silicon growth have been presented. It has been shown that the diffusion model is based on high-temperature precipitation of impurities. The model of high-temperature precipitation of impurities describes processes of nucleation, growth, and coalescence of impurities during cooling of a crystal from 1683 to 300 K. It has been demonstrated that the diffusion model of defect formation provides a unified approach to the formation of a defect structure beginning with the crystal growth to the production of devices. The possibilities of using the diffusion model of defect formation for other semiconductor crystals and metals have been discussed. It has been shown that the diffusion model of defect formation is a platform for multifunctional solution of many key problems in modern solid state physics. Fundamentals of practical application of the diffusion model for engineering of defects in crystals with modern information technologies have been considered. An algorithm has been proposed for the calculation and analysis of a defect structure of crystals.

Talanin V.I., Talanin I.E. On the problem of the consistency of the high-temperature precipitation model with the classical nucleation theory // Physics Solid State. – 2014. – Vol. 56, N. 10. – P. 2043-2049.

The adequacy of the model of high-temperature precipitation in dislocation-free silicon single crystals to the classical theory of nucleation and growth of second-phase particles in solids has been considered. It has been shown that the introduction and consideration of thermal conditions of crystal growth in the initial equations of the classical nucleation theory make it possible to explain the precipitation processes occurring in the high-temperature range and thus extend the theoretical basis of the application of the classical nucleation theory. According to the model of high-temperature precipitation, the smallest critical radius of oxygen and carbon precipitates is observed in the vicinity of the crystallization front. Cooling of the crystal is accompanied by the growth and coalescence of precipitates. During heat treatments, the nucleation of precipitates starts at low temperatures, whereas the growth and coalescence of precipitates occur with an increase in the temperature. It has been assumed that the high-temperature precipitation of impurities can determine the overall kinetics of defect formation in other dislocation-free single crystals of semiconductors and metals.